
Compliant is a leader in advanced online accessibility tools

Our vision is to make the entire internet accessible for everyone. We are here so that every user and every business can be successful, and come out on top.

Compliant creates innovative website accessibility solutions to help to establish ADA compliance without having to rewrite your site’s current code.

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The team

Compliant’s team is equipped with boundless experience, and innovators who blaze the trail for accessibility. Our team is made up of top engineers, and visionaries who are changing the game for digital compliance.

We believe everyone deserves equal opportunities when it comes to using your website.

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We make D2C brands accessible online

Our Mission

Everyone should be able to navigate to the digital world. Here at Compliant, it is our mission to provide equal access to all users. We believe that investing in accessibility tools is the only way to provide every person with the same digital experience. Let’s create a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and understood.